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Hair Refill, Waterproof
Imediate Results
Eyebrow Stamp Shaping Kit introduction: This product has fine powder, waterproof and sweat proof, and is not easy to take of...
Hair always in place
Long-lasting, anti-frizz, and moisturizing
For all hair types
Straight, curly, wavy, kinky
IKT Hair Wax Stick Gel Cream Styling Hair Frizz Fixed Fluffy Children Men and Women Styling Wax Edge Control
Suitable for people who need to beautify the forehead curve and modify the edge of the uneven hairline.
Quick Hair Color Up - Use powder puff to be able to let gray hair root quickly regain vigor.The color is firm.Let the hair fluffy.Easy to...
Design of High Elastic Sponge: Very breathable, absorb sweat, deodorization durable and soft to wear. Protect the baby's knees from bruises and scrapes when they are curiously crawling and learning to walk.
The baby knee pads for the prevention of knee contusion, baby carpet, ceramic tile, hardwood, laminate flooring, even outdoors to prevent external impact while playing, the knee joint is well protected.
Easy to fall when the baby learning to walk, knee pads help protect the baby knock knee injury