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Hair Refill, Waterproof
Imediate Results
Eyebrow Stamp Shaping Kit introduction: This product has fine powder, waterproof and sweat proof, and is not easy to take of...
Hair always in place
Long-lasting, anti-frizz, and moisturizing
For all hair types
Straight, curly, wavy, kinky
IKT Hair Wax Stick Gel Cream Styling Hair Frizz Fixed Fluffy Children Men and Women Styling Wax Edge Control
Suitable for people who need to beautify the forehead curve and modify the edge of the uneven hairline.
Quick Hair Color Up - Use powder puff to be able to let gray hair root quickly regain vigor.The color is firm.Let the hair fluffy.Easy to...
Directions: 1. Wash the area to be bleached with soap & cold water. Pat dry. 2. Apply the entire quantity of Pre Bleach Cream & massage gently till it gets absorbed. 3. Use 1 spoonful (big spoon) of Bleach Cream with 1 spoonful (small spoon) of Activator powder. (Spoons provided in the pack). Mix the two well fill the powder gets completely dissolved into the cream. 4. Apply the mixture immediately on the area to be bleached using the spatula. Make sure that the hair strands are completely covered. Avoid application on eyebrows and around the eyes. 5. Allow the application to remain for the suggested time given under 'Recommended Time'. If the hair is not lightened as much as desired, re-apply the mbdure and leave on for 5 more minutes. 6. Wash off with cold water. Pat dry. 7. Apply a thin layer of the Post Bleach Pack, leave on for about 5 minutes then massage gently to facilitate complete absorption.